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Don't Just Use Word, Learn Tips & Tricks of the World's Most Popular Word Processing Application to Use Word Well! FAQs: I know how to type.  Why would I spend time learning Microsoft Word? ↳ This course is designed, not to make you a better typist, but to help you become a better Microsoft Word user.   To work faster, with less stress, and better results. But all I do is type, how will this course help me? ↳ Just by learning a handful of keyboard shortcuts, and tricks of the mouse, you can cut the time it takes to type your document. Also, you might find a few dozen lectures that you never knew you needed to know. With today's changing business environment, it's always better to know more than less. I have been using Microsoft Word for a long time.  What could I possibly learn? ↳ When I train courses to a live group, at least twice an hour I hear, "Oh, I've been doing it the long way this whole time.", or "I didn't know you could do that.".Will that be your experience? I do not know, but take a look at the course lectures to see what topics are covered.  You also have 30 days to see if the course is right for you. Can I use this course with my version of Microsoft Word? ↳ As long as it is not Microsoft Word 2003 or earlier, yes. Just note that this course was created on a PC using Microsoft Word 2016. SKILLS YOU WILL GAIN: By the end of this course you will be able to quickly make selections in your document by using both keyboard shortcuts and the mouse. Working with long documents? Learn how to NAVIGATE QUICKLY, how to CREATE A TABLE OF CONTENTS in 4 seconds or less, and the wonders of the NAVIGATION PANE. You will learn time saving tips on FORMATTING, and you will see how to CREATE, MODIFY, AND RESTRICT THE USE OF STYLES in your Microsoft Word documents. You'll learn some tricks with TABLES and LISTS. How to CREATE FILLABLE USER FORMS. How to CUSTOMIZE WORDS USER INTERFACE, and CREATE YOUR OWN KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS, and a few other tips and tricks that will boost your productivity. WHAT YOU CAN DO: Become a better Microsoft Word user, and enroll today. With Udemy's 30-day guarantee, you have nothing to lose and only new Word skills to gain.
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    Messenger hin, E-Mail her: Serienbriefe sind auch in Zeiten von Social Media nach wie vor top aktuell. Egal ob im Verein oder im kleinen Unternehmen: Immer dann wenn es darum geht eine größere Empfängerzahl effizient und dennoch mit einer persönlichen Note anzusprechen schlägt die Stunde von Serienbrief & Co. Doch viele Ersteller von Serienbriefen verschenken eine ganze Menge des wirklichen Potenzials, das in der Seriendruck-Funktion von Microsoft Word tatsächlich steckt. Denn mit Hilfe von Regeln und Feldern können beispielsweise: unterschiedliche Texte im Dokument erscheinen, je nachdem ob eine bestimmte Bedingung erfüllt ist oder nicht, oder tagesaktuelle Angaben, die erst unmittelbar vor dem Seriendruck abgefragt werden. Es soll nur ein Teil der in der verwendeten Liste enthalten Adressaten verwendet werden? Kein Problem: Die passende Regel überspringt alle Einträge, die nicht dem gewünschten Kriterium entsprechen. Auch bei den Dokumenttypen, in die die Daten letztlich eingefügt werden, ist Vielfalt angesagt: Neben einem Brief kann dann ganz klassisch auch ein Satz Umschläge oder Etiketten beim Seriendruck herauskommen, aber eben auch ein Verzeichnis oder gar eine personalisierte Serien-E-Mail. Je nach Umfang der verwendeten Adressliste stellt sich auch die Frage, welches Dateiformat als Datenquelle verwendet werden soll: Reicht eine einfache Excel-Tabelle? Oder braucht es doch eher Access? Kann ich auch ganz ohne zusätzliche Programme den Seriendruck nutzen? Genau diese und viele weitere Fragen beantwortet Dir dieser Kurs! Das Beste dabei ist: All das lässt sich ohne jede technischen Vorkenntnisse nutzen! Ganz normale Kenntnisse im Umgang mit Word reichen dazu völlig aus! Schritt für Schritt wirst Du Dich vom ersten einfachen Serienbrief hinentwickeln zu einem absoluten Seriendruck-Spezialisten, den selbst die Verschachtelung mehrerer Bedingungen genauso wenig in Verlegenheit bringt wie beispielsweise die Verwendung des Outlook-Adressbuchs als Datenquelle. Anhand der mitgelieferten Begleitmaterialien kannst Du die Inhalte der einzelnen Lektionen dabei jederzeit auf dem eigenen Rechner nachvollziehen und vertiefen. 'Seriendruck mit Microsoft Word 2019' is an independent seminar and is neither affiliated with, nor authorized, sponsored or approved by Microsoft Corporation!
      Course Update March 2021: I'm adding lessons that show advanced tips and tricks for working with Microsoft Word. This comprehensive Microsoft Word training course will teach you how to design and customize professional documents using the world's most popular word processing application. By going through this course, you will be able to build out Microsoft Word documents for every use case, from internal corporate documents through marketing materials. After completing this course, you will be able to: Design and customize professional looking documents with a wide variety of styling techniques Work with and even create re-usable document templates Customize header and footers Manage page and layout dimensions for print management Automatically generate APA bibliographies Integrate tables directly into a document's content Manage indentation and layout rules Design professional resumes Work with charts and graphs in a document Implement advanced formatting and design techniques Work efficiently with streamlined processes Integrate comments and interaction elements for reviewing a document with a team Utilize Word Art design elements And many more techniques to ensure your documents stand out! Upon completion of the course you will receive a certificate of completion. Microsoft Word is the world's most utilized word processor, and being able to use it proficiently could be key to your career advancement.  I personally use it on a daily basis and regularly utilize these techniques.
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        Calling All Fiction Writers! Do you use Microsoft Word every day of your life but never took the time to learn how to efficiently and effectively use the tool? Are you new to Microsoft Word and don't know where to begin? If you answered yes to either of these questions, then this is the course for you. "The mechanic who would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools." --Confucius Learn to Use the Essential Features of Microsoft Word This course focuses on all the features of Microsoft Word that are essential for writing fiction while ignoring the business and non-fiction authoring features.  The result is a streamline fast-paced course that will have you up and running in no time.  In this course you'll learn: Screen and menu layoutss Typing assist Basic editing Saving and restoring work Configuring Word Using templates Inserting lists, images, and tables Formatting headers and footers Tracking Changes I even conclude the course with a glimpse at my personal Word environment. Learn the Fundements to Assist You In Takin My Other Courses I've created several courses for writers (e.g. self-publishing) on Udemy, all of which assume that the student possesses a fundamental understanding of Microsoft Word.  In this course, I provide the fundamental understanding required to fully comprehend the topics presented in my other courses. Have You Struggled with the Basics of Word? I can bring you up to speed in around 2 hours!!!  The basics of Microsoft Word aren't really that difficult to comprehend.  Once all the business and non-fiction writer functions are ignored, you're left with a fundamental set of core features that you'll learn to use like a pro.  I'm sure you'll be able to follow along easily on this gentle introduction into this powerful word processor. "I loved this course. I wish I had been able to take this class early in my writing career instead of figuring things out as I went along. Even now, after twenty-four published novels, I learned valuable shortcuts and refinements in these lessons that I will apply to my work immediately. Thank you Brian Jackson, for a well-thought-out and effective course geared to authors (but useful for others as well.)" -- Susan Squires, New York Times Bestselling Author of the "Magic" Series Let's Have Some Fun Together I try to avoid anything that wouldn't be enjoyable.  Join me on what I think is a fun course of discovery that will lay the foundations for later work together. ---Brian
          Self-publishing is the wave of the future for authors. With greater creative control there are greater levels of responsibility for the self-publishing author. While the traditional publishing route takes longer, many of the more difficult aspects of the process are taken care by the big publishing house. With the technology available today, publishing a book is easier, but the task of creating great looking books can become costly for independent authors with little to no design experience and limited funds. This course is designed to help authors finish their projects. Many authors take a lot of care in writing and editing, but sometimes forget to invest as much in the overall look. This course will focus on how to create books that look great in a shorter amount of time. If you have already written a book and are ready to move to the final stages of your books journey, this course will help you learn the basics of using the built in functions of Microsoft Word to maximum effect. Most people have Word on their laptops at home or desktops at work. The reality is that Word is the most accessible word processing software available. The step-by-step lessons in this course will walk you through the process of creating a “print-ready” document to provide to the many Print-On-Demand companies you can chose from. Each lesson in the course includes information about the various aspects of the design process. You will walk with the teacher through each step, watching as they show you how to do each of the step. Even if you have never used some of the functions in Word before you will learn some important ideas about what it takes to create great looking books. In the end we believe that the price of this course will save you hundreds of dollars in the long run and may even become a source of income for you!
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            Are you a beginner trying to come to grip with this amazing tool or are you an everyday user who wants to learn to use this tool effectively and efficiently to save time? If your answer is yes to either of the questions then this course is what you have been looking for! What will you learn Microsoft word 2013 is a powerful application which allows you to make impressive documents using its various features which are thoroughly explained in the course, giving you a very clear understanding of its use and implementations. Some of the features covered in the course are: Applying style Creating tables in word Creating Hyperlinks Inserting Smart Art Applying themes for a document Adding cover-page Password protection Applying watermark The course is covered in an easy and lucid language, making it easier to understand the concepts, at the same time the exercise links are attached with the course which will allow you to go in tandem with the instructor and making sure that the topic is understood thoroughly. So what are you waiting for take this course and see yourself work more efficiently than ever!
              There are many online training courses on Excel VBA; but this is the only Word VBA course dedicated specifically to using VBA macro programming to automate Microsoft Word. _______________________________________________________________________________ Marta: " This course helped me develop my own macros, and start grasping more complex coding principles. Thank you! " _______________________________________________________________________________ The Word VBA video tutorials in this course are designed to give you all the ammunition you'll need to start creating your own custom macros to automate Microsoft Word tasks and operations. Microsoft VBA (Visual Basic for applications) allows you to control Microsoft Office programmatically. You can write macros which perform repetitive tasks saving your organisation, or your clients, time and money. Word users learn VBA macro programming for a number of reasons: some people are looking to enhance their career prospects; some are looking to save themselves time; others are aiming to save their company money and increase productivity. Perhaps you are an advanced Microsoft Word user looking to venture beyond the use of the macro recorder. Perhaps you are a Microsoft Office specialist looking to enhance your skills portfolio and make yourself truly indispensable in the workplace. Perhaps you have already learned how to automate Microsoft Excel using VBA and you are now looking to do the same with Microsoft Word. Whatever your reasons for wanting to learn to write Word VBA macros, this course will equip you with everything you need to get started and feel confident about writing your own Word VBA code. _______________________________________________________________________________ Sarahjane: " I had no previous training on Word VBA coding but had used Word VBA code to create a complex Userform & document; primarily by copying and pasting from example code found on the internet - this was very time consuming and I found it almost impossible to customise and debug my code because I didn't really understand how the code worked. This course has broken down the concepts of code and syntax and shown me how to create useful and efficient interactions between the various code parts of my project - I can now see much better ways of structuring and coding my Userform & document and will be rewriting the majority of it... " _______________________________________________________________________________
                Very complete looking forward to sitting exam - Donald Eric Warner Great instruction. This guy knows all the tricks! Learning things I have never used before. - Caesaree Tompkins Harper Really thorough. Definitely making sure that all components are covered for the exam. - David Smith Jr. ------------ In this 9 hour course, learn how to create, navigate through and format documents, customise your options and views (including recording macros), configuring documents to print/save, and inserting and formatting text and paragraphs. For more details, see the full curriculum. This course teaches all the skills that Microsoft want you to know. Specifically, they are the skills required to undertake the Microsoft Certificate 77-418 for Microsoft Word 2013 and 77-725 for Microsoft Word 2016 and will be useful if you wish to take the exam, or which to learn more about Microsoft Word. The core skills which are taught are those tested by Microsoft in the exam. There are 16 topics that Microsoft that it wants you to learn, and this course teaches you all of them. Each module is taught in order, and is divided in sub-topics, and generally each sub-topic will have an individual lecture lasting 5-7 minutes. The course will take about 4 hours to complete, plus will you need additional time to test yourselves to ensure that you have learned the necessary skills. You should take this course if: you want to learn more about Microsoft Word, or you want to become a certified Microsoft Office Specialist.
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                  Most people who use Word are up to Level 3 in some aspects, and Level 2 in others. Why not go all the way to Level 9? In this course, learn how to: Level 5 - Manage document options and settings Manage documents and templates, Prepare documents for review, and Manage document changes Level 6 - Design advanced documents Perform advanced editing and formatting, Create tables and charts, Apply advanced ordering and grouping, and Create styles Level 7 - Create advanced references Create and manage indexes and references, Manage custom fields and Mail Merge Level 8 - Create custom Word elements Create and modify building blocks, macros and controls, Create custom style sets and templates, and Prepare a document for internationalisation and accessibility Level 9 - Manage macros and forms Apply and manipulate macro options, and Create and manipulate forms. This course teaches all the skills that Microsoft want you to know for the Expert exams. Specifically, they are the skills required to undertake the Microsoft Certificate 77-850 (for Word 2007 Expert), 77-887 (for Word 2010 Expert), 77-425 and 77-426 (for Word 2013 Expert) and 77-726 (for Word 2016 Expert) and will be useful if you wish to take the exam, or which to learn more about Microsoft Word The core skills which are taught are those tested by Microsoft in the exam. There are topics that it wants you to learn about Microsoft Word, and this course teaches you all of them. Each module is taught in order, and is divided in sub-topics, and generally each sub-topic will have an individual lecture lasting 5-7 minutes. The course will take about 8 hours to complete, plus will you need additional time to test yourselves to ensure that you have learned the necessary skills. You should take this course if: you want to learn more about Microsoft Word, or you want to learn the Word skills you need to become a certified Microsoft Office Specialist Expert. Regardless whether you have Word 2007, Word 2010, Word 2013, Word 2016 or Word 365, this course will help you get to an advanced level, and maybe even want you to get more!
                    O curso completo de Microsoft Word, do básico ao avançado em vídeo aulas passo a passo. Aqui você vai aprender as principais ferramentas do Word para não só criar documento e relatórios de forma simples, personalizada e rápida, mas também conseguir usar todas as ferramentas do Word para ganhar tempo, se tornar mais produtivo e se destacar. Nesse curso vamos começar do zero, desde a criação de um primeiro documento em branco e te levar passo a passo ao nível avançado, ensinando todas as ferramentas que você precisa para usar todo o potencial do Word para criar relatórios, contratos, TCC, Monografia, formulários, etiquetas e trabalhar de forma simples, intuitiva e extremamente produtiva no Word. Esse curso é 100% prático, o que significa que você vai estar o tempo todo aplicando e exercitando em cada aula, para você aprender como fazer exatamente o que desenvolvemos no curso no seu computador e em qualquer caso que tenha que resolver na sua vida profissional ou acadêmica. O Word é a ferramenta de edição de texto mais importante do mercado de trabalho e se você quer se destacar, esse pode ser um grande diferencial na sua carreira. Qualquer dúvida é só falar e nos vemos nas aulas!